Jovanovic Zoran
Zoran Jovanović:
Zoran Jovanović graduated in physics from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the Unversity of Belgrade. During his 30 years of work as a journalist, he was one of the founders of the newspaper Vlaseničke novosti and of the radio and TV station Radio-TV Vlasenica (VRT). During the Yugoslavian Civil War, he was head of the Drina Corps Information Service in the Serbian-Bosnian Army. Between 1992 and 1995, he observed and documented as an eyewitness numerous crimes against the Serbs in the region around Srebrenica, committed by Muslim death squads under the command of war criminal Naser Orić. In the course of further research, Zoran Jovanović died on July 13th, 2013 under unexplained, extremely mysterious circumstances.