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Po co stowarzyszenie ateistów?
Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Fritz Erik Hoevels is a psychoanalyst in Freiburg.
Major works: Marxismus, Psychoanalyse, Politik (Marxism, Psychoanalysis, Politics), Wilhelm Reichs Beitrag zur Psychoanalyse (Wilhelm Reich’s Contribution to Psychoanalysis) and Wie unrecht hatte Marx wirklich? Band 1:Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft (How Wrong was Marx Really? Volume I: Society and Economics).
His study on the unconscious motives of the poet Arrabal was published by Hoffmann &Campe under the editorship of J. Cremerius. Numerous essays in the scientific journals Praxis der Psychotherapie, System ubw and Hermes. His Collected Papers on the Psychoanalysis of Religion (first published by freethought international/Indian Atheist Publishers) have been translated into five major languages, including English, Chinese, and Russian.
In 1974, Fritz Erik Hoevels founded the MRI (Marxist-Reichist Initiative), later renamed in the Bund gegen Anpassung (Alliance against Conformity).
Fritz Erik Hoevels
Po co stowarzyszenie ateistów?
zł 5,- / € 1,25
18 str., wydanie w j. polskim